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Transparent Lace Frontal
Very Detailed Knowledge About Transparent Lace Frontal
For you to understand what a transparent lace frontal is, you must first understand what “transparent lace” is and what a “frontal” is. Transparent lace is typically made from either Swiss or French lace material. Although, Swiss lace is most commonly used for anything involving transparent lace extensions. One of the major advantages of transparent lace is the fact that it is ventilated and offers a very thin lace, making it less detectable on the skin.
Hence the name “transparent lace”. Another perk of transparent lace is the fact that it offers fewer knots when compared to your normal lace. Lastly, unlike other frontal options, transparent lace is excellent for all skin tones. A frontal is a hairpiece that has a strip of lace or other material that runs from one ear to the other ear, laying across your forehead mimicking your hairline. Frontals generally range from thirteen inches in length and four inches in width. The major perk of a frontal hairpiece is that you can part the hair in various ways just like you can with your natural hair. This is due to the frontal giving the illusion of your scalp and covers the entire length of your hairline.
So, with undetectable lace and a hairline that mimics yours, there is no question about why a transparent lace frontal is a top tier.
The “HD” in HD lace stands for high definition. The lace material used is Swiss lace, once applied to the scalp it is undetectable. This, of course, allows for a hairline that looks as if it were your own. Frontals are ideal for anyone suffering from thinning hairlines.
The best thing about HD lace is that the lace matches all complexions, so no need to worry about bleaching the knots.
Your budget and preference play a huge role when choosing which lace is better. HD lace is better compared to transparent lace, but both look top tier and provide the undetectable hairline that everyone is in search of. If you are in search of lace that is budget-friendly and provides the same seamless look, go for transparent lace. On the other hand, if you are looking to invest in a top-quality lace HD is a better option.
When purchasing lace, be sure that you are purchasing lace according to your scalp color. Transparent lace is ideal for people who are fairer in skin tones. Transparent lace looks ashy against dark skin and does not blend very well. However, brown lace blends perfectly with darker tones.
Sometimes the knots in your transparent lace can be a little distinct and noticeable. When bleaching your transparent lace, you are removing the pigments from the dark knots in your lace. Taking the step to bleach your knots, offers a seamless, natural look. Another option is adding a concealer that matches your skin tones to conceal the knots on your transparent lace. So, although an option you do not have to bleach the knots.
Normally, lace frontals can last up to six months. Higher quality lace frontals last around one year and a half up to two years when taken care of properly.
Your lace frontal lifespan depends on various factors. One major factor is where you purchased your transparent frontal from. You have to be sure to purchase your frontal hair from a reliable company that sells high-quality hair. Another factor is the products that are used, if you are using the incorrect products you will shorten the lifespan of your frontal.