Transparent lace is a new Swiss lace material that is more light, soft and delicate and looks more transparent than normal lace, which can melt into our skin more perfectly, which makes the hairline more invisible. Ballice Hair factory offers a nice quality transparent lace closure at hair factory prices online.

Transparent Lace Closure
All You Need to Know About Transparent Lace Closure
Transparent lace closures are wig closures that are made up of an undetectable transparent lace. This lace seamlessly blends into your hairline giving you the appearance of natural hair. The closure gives you the option to have a part in your hair either down the middle or on the sides. You also can pull the hair to the side or back. If you’re looking for more versatility with the parting space, you can purchase a transparent lace frontal. The way the transparent lace closure is created is by hand sewing individually each strand of hair on to the lace. Since the transparent lace closure is so precise it usually requires little to no customizations. Transparent lace closures come with an already pre-plucked hairline that melts perfectly into your natural hairline. The sheer transparent lace is thin which allows for a more breathable closure. The comfortability of the wig is one of the best features of this wig and is one of the many reasons customers love purchasing our Transparent lace closures.
Transparent Lace means a lace that is thin and undetectable that gives an appearance as if the lace is see through or transparent. Lace usually comes in the typical colors of brown. Medium brown, light brown and dark brown. Transparent lace colors are almost clear or a very light tan, it’s see through and that is what helps give you the melted hairline. Some people confuse transparent lace with HD lace but there is a big difference. HD lace is made out of one the thinnest materials and is what most women are saying “invisible”. Although HD lace has a high quality it can be very expensive, and is why buying transparent lace units would be your best alternative.
It's easy to spot if your lace is truly transparent. Some women do a transparency test and will place the lace front up against their palms or skin. If the lace blends in seamlessly then you know its transparent, but if you are still able to see the outline of the lace it probably has a shade of brown and will need to be bleached. Another easy way to tell if your lace is transparent is the material or the thickness of it all. Transparent lace is very thin almost will feel fragile, but we assure you that it is very durable. Whereas other lace fronts that are not transparent can have a very thick texture, they can even sometimes feel rough to the touch. Ballice carries the best quality transparent lace closures, make sure to check out the site for more options.
No, you should not have to bleach your transparent lace wigs because the hair is hand sewn into the lace for a seamless look. We also should state that there is nothing wrong with bleaching the transparent lace to give you an extra flawless finish. The reason most women bleach their lace is to lighten up the black knots that were created while hand sewing each hair strand into the lace wig. Since the transparent lace is so clear sometimes that means the black knots are more noticeable than if it were installed in brown or tan lace units. Bleaching the knots will help with a more transparent look, but are not always necessary when you buy a transparent lace closure.
A transparent Lace closure can last you anywhere between 6 to 8 months with proper care. The perks of having this lace be so transparent is that it requires little to no customizations. Not excessively plucking, bleaching, or dying the closure will expands its life expectancy. Ballice Hair offers high quality lace closures that will last you up to a year if taken care of properly. Check out our website for a variety of new transparent lace wigs and closures to choose from.
There are many things that you can do to ensure that you are taking the proper care of your transparent lace closures. First, make sure that you are choosing the highest quality transparent lace closure, some companies will promote their units but will not have the lace material which in turn will cause your closure to lose life faster. You want to make sure that you are washing the closure properly. We always suggest that you do a co-wash of the hair before installing, and if you have a transparent lace closure wig to take it off every night before bed. After washing the closure, you want to make sure that it is completely dry, it’s easy for mildew and bad smells to form on a wet closure so please air dry or towel dry before installing on to your head. Lastly, make sure that you invest in essential oils for your weave, this helps protects the hair on the wig and in the end, keep your transparent lace closure around for a long time.