Pro Guide To Taking Care Of The Transparent Lace Wig

Transparent lace wigs are having a major moment and are here to stay! Long gone are the days where transparent lace wigs are only for celebrities and socialites. Wigs are convenient and offer versatility, amongst other benefits. Transparent lace wigs are best known for their natural scalp and undetectable hairline. Whether you're a natural hair enthusiast, looking to switch it up or you want to protect your strands from the daily stress of styling and products, transparent lace wigs are for you! Have more questions, no worries we have the perfect guide for you. Keep reading to learn all about taking care of your transparent lace wig.
What Is the Best Way To Wash Your Transparent Lace Wig?
After a few wears, we are sure you will notice glue, sweat, makeup, and hair product residue. You must remember to keep your wig clean, by doing so you are allowing a longer lifespan and more wear. With the proper care and wash techniques, your wig will be back looking new before no time. Keep reading to learn how to wash your transparent lace wig.
Steps To Cleaning Your Lace Front Wig
Step One: Prepping the Wig
For an easy wash day, we suggest preparing all the tools you'll need so they will all be in place when needed. You will need your favorite shampoo and conditioner, remember paraben and sulfate-free are your best options, a wide-tooth comb to detangle, a towel to dry, and a wig stands for your wig to lay on. Remember to use products specifically made for lace front wigs. Now prep the wig using your favorite adhesive remover to remove unwanted residue. Gently brush off the residue that is remaining. As tempting as it may seem, you should not peel off any of the residues, by doing so you risk tearing your lace. Lastly, comb through the hair using your wide-tooth comb so there is no snagging or unnecessary shedding.
Step Two: Washing the Hair
Rinse your hair under warm water or room temperature water. Apply a dime-size amount of shampoo into your hand and begin shampooing from the tip while avoiding the lace area of your wig. Now gently pat your frontal and inside the wig cap using soapy water. Do not scrub or create friction for this will tangle the hair. Using your towel, blot your wig.
Step Three: Condition Your Wig
Make sure that the hair is damp and not soaking wet. Using a small amount of conditioner, apply in sections while finger combing the hair. This is the best way to ensure that every strand of hair has conditioner on it. Avoid the frontal portion of your wig, conditioner will loosen the knots on your frontal and cause hair to begin shedding. Shedding then leads to balding, and who wants a bald frontal?
Allow the conditioner to sit for a minimum of five minutes. When the time is up and your hair is saturated with the hair conditioner, detangle gently with your wide-tooth comb or your fingers, this is purely up to preference. Detangle from the tip of the hair up the hair shaft, making sure you do not force any snags, knots, or tangles. Rinse thoroughly using cool water.
Step Four: Properly Drying Your Hair
Gently squeeze the hair to remove any water. Avoid twisting or wringing out the water like you would a towel. Gently towel blots your hair using a towel. Now place your wig on your stand and let it air dry.

How To Style Your Transparent Lace Wig?
Remember to style your wig to your style and preference, think about what makes you feel great and comfortable. Styling your wig to your personal preference makes your wig look as natural as your real hair. Read on to hear our tips on styling your transparent lace wig.
Perfecting The Part
Your transparent lace wig mimics your scalp in the front portion of your wig. This means that you have endless possibilities on where you can part your hair. Some wigs require tweaking like plucking the hair and creating a part using makeup. If that is the case, make sure your makeup is the same color as your scalp, and make sure your part isn't too big or too small.
The next thing you will need to decide on is where exactly you're putting your hair. The middle part left side part or right-side part. This is something completely up to preference.
Curling Your Hair
There are of course various techniques when curling your wig, whichever look you decide on will dictate the technique you will use. We will show you one of the most popular curl techniques, loose wave beachy curls.
1. Lightly detangle your hair and spritz with a heat protectant spray, and part into four equal quadrants.
2. Begin with your front two sections and divide them according to the size of your barrel.
3. Take your section you just parted and wrap your hair loosely around the barrel leaving about an inch at the bottom of your hair out.
4. Hold your hair in the tong of the barrel for a few seconds.
5. Remove your hair from the barrel and drop your curl into the palm of your hand, then allow it to cool before you allow it to drop completely. Doing this will ensure a longer last for the curl.
6. Continue these steps for the remaining hair of the wigs.
7. Brush out your curls using a wide-tooth comb or your fingers. For a messy look try using a paste or palmate to add texture.
No Styling While It's Wet
Styling your wig while it is wet may cause damage to the construction of the wig due to it loosening. Once your wig has been cleaned and completely dry, detangle or finger comb while your wig is on the stand. If you do not have a stand, try placing your wig on your hand with your fist bald up. If you do not have the time to allow your hair to air dry, try blow-drying your wig at the lowest temperature, and don't forget your heat-protecting spray.
Tips On Daily Care of Your Transparent Lace Wig
Daily care is just as important as major care, remember what you do daily to your wig will determine the lifespan of your wig.
1. Gently brush your wig daily. This will ensure your wig has zero snags, knots, or tangling.
2. Use the correct products specifically made for your wig. This includes shampoo, conditioners, oils, gels, and your daily moisturizer. Nothing is worse than a heavy, limp wig, due to heavy products. Also, with heavy products, you are prone to having more dirt.
3. Keep your wig stored away properly when not in use. A mannequin head is perfect; however, these are not available to everyone. An alternative is using a hook and hooking your wig on it so it will not get tangled. While storing it, cover it so avoid the collection of dust or any other particles on your wig.
4. Do not overuse the hairspray. Doing this will make the hair tangle easily and become greasy. If you enjoy using strong hold spray or shine spray, be sure to do so lightly and clean your wig often.
5. Try not to sleep in your wig. We get it with certain products you can get a long wear time out of your wig. If you can wear your wig for multiple days, we do suggest you wrap your wig up in a silk scarf. Also, try to twist or braid your hair into a ponytail.
6. Do not forget about your real hair. Remember about your hair underneath the wig. Make sure that it is moisturized and cleaned.

How To Store Your Transparent Lace Wig?
Let's be honest, wigs are definitely an investment and like all investments, they should be stored and put away properly. Before storing your wig make sure that your wig is fully dry and squeaky clean. I know it may seem like a hassle however it is very important. Even the smallest amount of moisture can lead to mold being developed on the wig when closed and in a dark location.
Option one: Store in the original box or shoebox or a cute container box
Keep the instructions for your wig to make sure you are properly taking care of your wig. Keep your wig net this is used to control the hairstyle that was done while being stored. Also, put a ball of tissue paper inside of your wig, this keeps the shape of your wig and absorbs any moisture your wig may have. It is suggested that you use one box per wig.
Option two: Hanging Wig Stand
These assemble easily and are compact, so it is ideal for small spaces. By using these you can keep your wig free from dust. These also can be used for air-drying your wig and keeping them in shape.
Can I Wear My Transparent Wig Every day?
Commonly, people wear lace wigs daily. If you can take good care of your hair underneath and take care of your lace wig, we do believe that you can wear your transparent lace wig daily. Here are a few tips for daily wear.
1. Make sure you have the correct wig size. Purchasing a wig that is too small will give you headaches and purchasing a wig that is too large will look ill-fitting and you wouldn't want to wear the wig.
2. Wear a wig cap. If you plan on wearing a wig daily a wig cap is the best investment. This reduces the friction between your hair and the wig cap. It also offers security and prevents oils from seeping through your scalp.
3. Wash your wig regularly. You must keep your wig clean and fresh. How often your wig has to be washed is dependent on your environment, the products used, and your daily activities.
4. Make sure your styling tools are clean. Many people never give a second thought to cleaning their styling tools. However, these tools tend to carry everything from your hair. Clean hair tools equal clean hair.

Tips For Making Your Transparent Lace Wig Last Longer
Purchasing a transparent lace wig is an investment, so making sure your wig lasts as long as possible is a no-brainer. Below are a few tips for making your wig last longer.
1. Use conditioners that are rich in moisture. Ensuring that your wig is moisturized properly is one of the best things you can do for your unit.
2. Brush daily. Brushing and detangling your until will prevent knots, snags, and matting.
3. Switch up your wigs. Wearing the same wig every day will shorten the lifespan. By switching your wigs up, your wigs can rest.
4. Say no to hot tools. Not completely, but try alternatives to heat tool hairstyles. For example, heatless curls!
5. Go to a professional for your cut and color job. We get it, we are in the world of doing it yourselfers, however, some things should be left to the pros.

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